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Cutting Training at Benihana 5

Agenda ・How to use Gyuto knife ・Practicing how to cut fat and sinew

・Practicing how to shaving cut ・How to choose a chopping board

・About Gyuto knife >It is a Japanese designed knife and suitable for steak cuts and slicing larger pieces. This was much bigger and heavier than the one what I usually use, so the firmer grip is the key to hand well this knife. The Gyuto was the single ground blade to increase its sharpness and cut meats straight. ・Cutting fat and sinew with Gyuto >You need more physical efforts to use Gyoto due to its size and weight, however using the whole blade from top to bottom with the motion of push and pull steadily helps to cut meat easier. ・Practice of shaving cut >It easier to start practicing this cutting method with softer meats such as chicken, then you can move on to harder meats once you are confident and know how to do so. ・How to choose a chopping board >There are usually 6 colours for chopping board. According to Food Standard Agency, there is the recommended guidelines suggest that you should you use: Red for Raw Meat, Blue for Raw Fish, Yellow for Cooked Meat, Brown for Vegitables, Green for Salads and Fruit and White for Bakery and Dairy. Also it is ideal to choose thick and heavy board as it has more steadiness.

Lectured by Meat Master / Executive Chef at Benihana UK -Mr Toshio Suzuki

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