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Cutting Training at Benihana 16

Agenda ・Practice of trimming chained sirloin ・How to calculate the wastage

Practice of trimming chained sirloin It has been nearly for one month since last time I have practiced the trimming. It was hard at the start to remember how to do it however eventually the procedure came back to my memory again. Mr Suzuki prepared 2 chained sirloins for me, and it was definitely better to repeat the process twice to challenge the trimming speed. I always have found it difficult to remove the triangle shape meat on the Rump side as the connective tissue is hidden inside of the main meat. However, at this time I managed to find the tissue easier than the previous trainings by studying the meat and checking how the tissue runs carefully.

How to calculate the wastage By looking at the photos below, my first attempt has more wastage because I was not 100% sure what I was doing. However the ratio of wastage at the second attempt looks slightly less than the first time.

Calculation of the wastage at the second attempt

<Weight of Wastage 628g> 3792g (Final Weight of meat)÷4420g (Original Weight) x 100 = 86% (Yield Ratio)

1 – 0.86 x 100 = Wastage Ratio: 14%

Lectured by Meat Master / Executive Chef at Benihana UK -Mr Toshio Suzuki

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